I can not reckon the figure of populace (sometimes myself built-in) who genuinely agree to that mortal financially exultant is the cure to their elation.

Every day I see ancestors toiling and labouring complete creating more wealth as if that new car, or new house, or castle in the air leisure is going to action the deepest surroundings of their literal self.

Have some of us genuinely looked at the deepest bit of our truthful being? Have we genuinely investigated what TRULY fulfills us? Or are we flawlessly smitten with a bones of awareness that unceasingly seeks feeling and avoids pain, yet ne'er achieving either for any yearlong period of time of time?

The with the sole purpose thing that will of all time kind you truly content....is one. That's fitting....Being.

When you no longest have requirements and desires to be fulfilled, when you no longest have a cardinal assessment and fantasies running finished your head, when you no longest obligation to "be better"....you will in time retributive be.

You will be what you before are. And at your deepest same you previously are down.

When you no long struggle for quite a few greater undertake but are exclusively contented with whatever the tick gives you....you will be ecstatic.

When you no longer emergency material possession from the twinkling and your self in command to be more than well....you will be healthy.

When you no longer place who you are beside all the temporary events, ideas, thoughts, feelings, experiences, and memories....you will see that you are what makes all that affirmable.

There is a starting point of all of existence, all of the universe, and all of being. It comes from thing dishonorable. And that derivation is the identical beginning that gives you vivacity....it is the legitimate you at the deepest flat. All other is conscionable fantasy.

When you see illusions as illusions, and your truest same as all that is genuine....you will be in a pop that is elapsed cheeriness. You will be in a point of wholeness, and oneness, that nil could of all time cart away from you.

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